Call for Nominations for the 2024 Responsible Research in Management Award

2024 “Responsible Research in Management” Award

Sponsored by the Academy of Management Fellows

Co-sponsored by the Responsible Research in Business and Management

Supported by the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business

Call for Nominations

Submission deadline: January 31, 2024


This award recognizes rigorously conducted and societally beneficial research contributing knowledge with the potential to make the world a better place. Responsible research gives rise to both credible and useful knowledge. Credibility refers to the reliability, validity, and trustworthiness of findings, in either inductive or deductive work, using qualitative data, quantitative data, or both. Usefulness refers to the potential of the knowledge to inform policy and influence practice. We call for nominations of published work that exemplifies these principles of responsible research.


The Fellows Group of the Academy of Management is composed of members who have made significant contributions to the science and practice of management.  Through this Award, the Fellows seek to recognize published research that yields credible results, guides practice, and benefits society.

The Responsible Research in Business and Management network (RRBM) is dedicated to inspiring, encouraging, and supporting credible and useful research in the business and management disciplines.  Learn more about the RRBM’s mission, supporters, readings, and activities.

Michigan Ross supports the Responsible Research in Management Award Ceremony held at the Academy of Management conference.